with international reputation for integrity and professionalism.

Using the Miller process for Gold refining, chlorine is introduced into the melt converting base metals to metal chlorides. The scrap Gold is upgraded to over 95% purity and subsequently chemically treated using Aqua Regia to produce fine Gold sand of .9999 purity.
The sand is then melted in special crucibles and poured into de-mineralised water (which reduces the risk of contamination) to produce grain. The grain is dried in ovens and re-assayed.

Preparation and evaluation of low-grade materials such as sweeps or used crucibles are carried out under strictly supervised conditions to fully account for precious metals contained. This guarantees the maximum return of value for clients who are always invited to obtain an independent assessment of precious metals contained in their low grade material thus removing the possibility of doubt that is often expressed when evaluations are presented for this type of material.
In house analytical facilities include ICP-OES and XRF which, together with cupellation/fire assay and titration, provide full metallurgical analysis of clients’ precious metal samples as well as quality control for the Company's many products.